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Embedded Artists is evaluating the use of the mbed SDK/API. We would appreciate if you could give us some feedback to help us decide if this is a good API to use when developing sample applications for our development boards.
1. How would you categorize yourself when working with Embedded Systems?
As a professional at a company
As a hobbyist / private person
As a student
2. How would you rate your level of knowledge about the mbed API?
Beginner (haven't used it before)
Intermediate (minor development)
Advanced (developed several applications)
3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
The mbed API is only suitable for prototyping, not final application development.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Comment (if you would like to clarify your response)
4. The mbed API has a high level of abstraction. What's your opinion on this (you can select several answers)?
It enables me to focus on my application development
It hides hardware details which is good for me
It hides driver implementation details which is good for me
Not good since I often need direct access to the hardware
My experience tells me that I often need to modify high abstraction code to meet my requirements
Don't know / have no opinion

Comment on the use of high-level abstraction
5. Would you consider using C++ as programming language for your project/application?
No, it generates too much overhead (code size)
No, I prefer C.
No (other reason)
Maybe, I'm not sure
Yes, I already do that for my existing projects
Yes (other reason)
Comment on the use of C++ (if you want to clarify your response):
6. If we would provide sample applications using the mbed API which compiler/IDE would you prefer to use?
mbed online compiler
Keil MDK/uVision
IAR Embedded Workbench
LPCXpresso IDE (GCC based)
Code Red's Red Suite (GCC based)
Other (please specify)
Other compiler/IDE:
7. Is there any other framework you would prefer that we use when developing sample applications (for example NXP's LPCOpen)?
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